Skype For Windows 8 Updated

Skype For Windows 8 Updated

Hotel di Indramayu - Skype For Windows 8 Updated
A new software update is always more than welcome by hardware owners, but if and only if the software itself has been thoroughly tested to make sure that it runs smooth as butter without causing more headaches. After all, an update ought to come with its fair share of bug fixes, so to hear news of Skype for Windows 8 being bumped to version surely brings more than just a smile to our faces. Of course, there will be new features thrown into the mix, but do not expect anything groundbreaking or earth shaking here.

Some of the features will include the ability to send and receive files, something which we take for granted on the desktop version of Skype, performance improvements and of course, general fixes. No longer will running Skype on an RT device drive you bonkers as your mates send files to one another, but you are unable to retrieve those files. The latest Skype for Windows 8 update is now available over at the Windows Store, so what are you waiting for?"Game Android Download"

Skype For Windows 8 Updated Skype For Windows 8 Updated Reviewed by Pakar Pupuk Tanaman on June 08, 2013 Rating: 5

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